News Releases and Announcements

  • High Gold Values Returned From Deep Overburden Sampling Programme On Slieve Glah Gold Target

    23 March 2023
  • Gold Intersection Of 40.5 Metres At 1.2 g/t Gold At Clay Lake Gold Target

    06 March 2023
  • New Gold Target and Second Gold Trend Identified in Longford-Down Massif

    03 March 2023
  • Half-Yearly Results for the six month period ended 30 November 2022

    28 February 2023
  • New Gold Discovery: Native Gold: Assay Results of up to 123.0 g/t

    22 February 2023
  • Step out drilling at Clay Lake gold target

    08 February 2023
  • Gold Lodes Intersected between Clontibret Gold Deposit and Corcaskea Gold Target

    02 February 2023
  • Step Out Drilling Demonstrates Extension of Clontibret Gold Deposit to NE

    18 January 2023
